Other bags: IGP also provides other bags include digital storage bag, leather wine bag and pouch, which can satisfy all your need in your life and travel. Gift bags have got adventures of high functionality and large area for printing.
尺寸:265 x 220 (mm)
芭比Barbie Details|Enquiry
Barbie 品牌一直以來都致力於鼓勵年輕女孩發揮自己的想像力和創造力,並勇敢地嘗試不同的角色和身份。"You can be anything" 正是 Barbie 品牌的核心價值觀之一。這個單肩袋採用了 Barbie 品牌一貫的粉色調,並且採用了透明的設計,讓人可以清晰地看到袋內的物品。這種設計不僅時尚,而且也能夠體現出 "You can be anything" 這個口號的含義。
We provide giant coverage in Greater China Region with the largest corporate gift and premium network in Asia. We serve more than 30000 gift projects and manage more than 500 suppliers. Operation 8 main cities in Southeast Asia and 2 quality inspection centers. Customers can check the information of thousands of gifts....More>>